Photography – Interview with Sam Stewart

What is is your name and how old are you? 
Hello! I am Sam and I am 28.

Where are you currently living and where did you grow up?
Originally from Arrowtown and currently living up in Nelson.


How does where you live affect your photography?

Being so close to loads of beautiful walks like the Malborough Sounds is really great. Getting out of town and exploring is really inspiring. I still find the south calling and will probably move back down at some stage.

What camera(s) do you shoot on? (Analogue / Digital)
I mostly shoot digital and for all my work i shoot digital, but over the last year i have been collecting old cameras ans starting to shoot film. it’s a fun process and i love not knowing what the images are going to turn out like.


What subjects interest you most?
Landscapes will probably always be my favourite, hunting for beautiful light and finding dark moody clouds is always pretty exciting. I also love capturing weddings. It’s pretty special to record such an amazing day in people’s lives. Food photography is also an area i would really like to get into more, it is great.

What are you working on at the moment?
I am currently working on an exhibition that is starting on the 1st of july. It is going to be in The Little Bee Hive Co-op in Nelson.


What would you be doing if you weren’t taking photos?
Probably graphic design or something to do with food.

What is your favourite design blog or website?
My favourite website would be ‘this is colossal‘ it is full of crazy ideas & super talented people.

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Where can we see more of what you do? 
INSTAGRAM: @samstewartphotography